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Church View Patients – Regaining Online Access

Following the merge of Church View Practice into Martitime Health, we are aware that some users are still facing difficulty with regaining online access.

Below we have gathered advice from the two most popular online applications – NHS App and Patient Access.

In summary, you will need to unlink your previous account and relink to Maritime Health Partnership, Halfway Surgery – ME4 4QR (G82744). This is because Halfway Surgery is the currently registered head office for online access.


Updating online access (to a new GP practice)

If you become unable to access GP services now that your transfer has completed, please try to log in again. You might be prompted to re-register using the same registration method you used initially. Please note, if you registered with information given to you by your GP surgery you will need to obtain this information again as it may have expired. You can do this via an email to [email protected] – please use subject line: Online Access.

The practice you must select in Maritime Health Partnership, Halfway Surgery, ME4 4QR (G82744).

If this issue persists, we would suggest deleting your account using the following steps:

  1. Delete your account

Log in to your NHS account via the NHS App or NHS.UK > Select the ‘More’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen > ‘Account and settings’ > ‘Manage NHS account’ > ‘Your NHS login details’ > ‘Delete NHS login’.

  1. Create a new NHS account

Once your account has been deleted, re-open the NHS App or NHS website (, select Continue with NHS login and follow the on-screen instructions, registering using photo ID or by selecting ‘How to prove who you are without sending a photo of your I.D’ then select ‘Yes – I use online services’. On the following screen, select ‘Yes – I have all 3 details’ and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.

Patient Access

Changing your GP practice

First obtain a linkage document (registration letter) from your new practice by emailing us on [email protected] – please use subject line: Online Access. This does not need to be collected in person and can be emailed to you. Contact your practice for details. 

Use the linkage document (registration letter) to link to your new practice. 

  1. Sign in to your Patient Access account.
  2. Select Account (located under your name). 
  3. Select the My GP Practice screen. 
  4. Select Change my GP Practice.
  5. Select the agreement box, then select Link to my new GP practice
  6. Enter the practice postcode (ME4 4QR) or name (Maritime Health Partnership, Halfway Surgery – G82744) of your new practice.  
  7. Select Search.
  8. Select your practice from the list provided, then select Continue.
  9. Below the question ‘Have you received a registration letter from your practice?’, select Yes.
  10. Enter the Linkage Key (which is recorded on the linkage document).
  11. Enter the Account ID (which is recorded on the linkage document).
  12. Select Confirm.   
  13. Confirm the personal details held by your practice, then select Continue.
  14. Enter your password, then select Link account
  15. On the confirmation screen, select Done.
    Your account has been linked to your new practice.