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Diabetes Week (13-19th June)

For Diabetes Week, we’re helping promote two digital structured education programmes that are available now across the whole of England:

Adults with type 1 diabetes

My Type 1 Diabetes is a free digital resource that offers tailored advice and information created by NHS experts and people living with type 1 diabetes. Adults with type 1 diabetes, their families and carers, and healthcare professionals can use this platform to access information about type 1 diabetes through videos, articles, and accredited online education courses.

How to join

The programme is available now via self-referral. Start using the programme today by visiting:

My Type 1 Diabetes can:

– Help participants understand more about type 1 diabetes and increase confidence to manage it.

– Signpost to content created by other expert organisations.

– Offer resources in up to 10 other languages including Polish, Spanish and Urdu.

– Support participants to set achievable goals for diabetes self-care.

Adults with type 2 diabetes

Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes is a free online structured education programme designed to help users learn more about type 2 diabetes. Healthy Living has been clinically proven and can help participants live well with type 2 diabetes.

The programme is available to anyone over the age of 18, living in England with type 2 diabetes. Carers of those living with type 2 diabetes can sign up too.

How to join

The programme is available now via self-referral. Start using the programme today by visiting:

Healthy Living provides knowledge and information so users can:

– Feel confident in managing type 2 diabetes.

– Reduce diabetes-related distress.

– Improve health and wellbeing.

– Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

– Feel motivated to continue making healthy lifestyle choices.

This Is Diabetes | 60 TVC | Diabetes UK